April 6, 2022 | By GK9PG
Canine detection leader Global K9 to Purchase and integrate assets of 360 Security Partners, LLC, as part of ongoing drive to take lead in U.S. Canine Security Industry

Global K9 Protection Group expands on industry-leading position providing enhanced security screening for air cargo, sports, entertainment, and law enforcement

Opelika, Alabama, USA, Wednesday, April 6, 2022: Engineered canine screening and detection leader Global K9 Protection Group, LLC (GK9PG) has entered a strategic partnership with Anniston, Alabama-based 360 Security Partners, LLC, known in the industry as CSK9 (Cargo Screening K9), and VWK9 as part of ongoing plans to expand services and develop new technologies in the canine security sector.

“By bringing CSK9’s, VWK9’s operations and assets into our headquarters and under GK9PG’s management and leadership in Opelika, we will accelerate our plans to advance the global standard in air cargo and aviation security solutions, further addressing and alleviating the ever-present supply chain issues,” said Eric Hare, Chief Executive Officer, Global K9 Protection Group.

“We look forward to the value that this partnership brings to all clients in the air cargo, aviation security, commercial services, military and law enforcement sectors.”

“CSK9 clients will continue to receive excellent service while benefiting from the extensive experience,  knowledge and infrastructure Global K9 Protection Group provides,” said  Andrew Weiman, Chief Executive Officer, 360 Security Partners, LLC.

In addition to the increased number of canine teams available to its customers, GK9PG will continue to expand services to the sports, entertainment, transportation, maritime and parks and attractions sectors.

“We understand the importance of delivering canines specifically trained to detect explosives or weapons being carried by people in mass transit and large crowd events,” said Michael Larkin, Vice President, Commercial Services, Global K9 Protection Group.

“GK9PG is committed to excellence and delivering best-in-class kinetic detection dog capabilities to mitigate risk across a variant of sports, entertainment, and large-crowd events while leading the canine industry into the future with our technology solutions.”

The strengthened and enlarged GK9PG can more robustly expand on existing partnerships with the U.S. military Civilian Skills Program, the Department of Defense’s Skillbridge Program, and the United Police Work Dog Association (UPWDA).