June 8, 2022 | By GK9PG

Why do Kinetic Explosives Detection Dogs with Enhanced Firearms Capable Technology Work on Campus?

I started publishing a series of articles last year focused on the “Art and Science of Body-Worn and Concealed-Carried Threat Detection Capabilities” with the mission to be a catalyst for success within the detection dog industry through information sharing, insight to a mythology, and influence for what is possible.  Our objective at Global K9 Protection Group has always been to bring together world-class canine professionals, subject matter experts in the explosives and firearms detection discipline, as well as public safety professionals to create a coalition of likeminded people able to deliver world-class solutions working together with a common goal – stop terrorists and keep people safe.

Innovation begins with understanding the threat and pooling resources to ensure we are collectively armed with the necessary information needed to make well-informed decisions. If you are a Security Professional focused on mitigating the risk of active shooter incidents, please follow the link provided below which shares a collection of resources and information – it is the most comprehensive I have read:

 A Guide to Resources for the Prevention and Mitigation of Active Shooter Incidents – Security Industry Association

It is important to understand the active and dynamic environments on school campuses, public gathering venues, and high-traffic pedestrian areas demand a specialized solution for mitigation and detection of firearms. How do we best support canine operations in direct contact against a variety of threat-delivery systems: body-worn, concealed-carried, vehicle-delivered or static explosive materials and firearms? In my opinion, its less complicated than you think – if you know what detection discipline a dog is proficient you can direct their search efforts to maximize effectiveness.

Stay Tuned for Part 2 tomorrow & learn more about our Dynamic and Planned Approach in the meantime.