Developing customized security solutions is challenging. Our staff has developed the E3 model to serve as a roadmap to engineering comprehensive plans that bolster existing security measures.

The E3 approach consists of three fundamental elements: Enhance, Efficient and Effective. Working directly in concert with our clients our skilled K9 Professionals focus on answering three primary questions.
How do we enhance existing security measures?
Our staff must first look at how we can improve current security plans or if we need to assist the client in developing new security initiatives that are based on best practices. Increasing the security protocols around commercial business, sports and entertainment venues, and critical infrastructure require the implementation of advanced security technologies. Establishing additional security zones that increase standoff distance in a non intrusive manner is critical.
What is the most efficient use of our technologies?
Advance security technologies are expensive which typically results in a limited quantity available to security personnel. Working with our clients we identify the most efficient approaches to deploying our technologies to ensure that we meet the clients needs all while reducing resource waste.

Consider our staff and technologies as additional tools being added to the security toolbox. Each aspect has to be specifically designed to address an industry gap. Our staff must look at the entire suite that we provide to determine the right tool to meet the clients need. We deliver the most efficient set of solutions customized to be the most comprehensive method of mitigating the threat.
What is the most effective strategy for mitigating the explosive threat?
Clearly defined goals and operational limitations must be established, in order to develop the most effective method for mitigating explosive threats. With these parameters our team works with the client to author a robust risk mitigation strategy by leveraging a multitude of security procedures and technologies. During this process we must account for the environmental conditions and operational factors to limit the high-risk opportunities to a manageable and/or acceptable level.
Developing an effective approach requires that our team develop a contingency plan that ensure that any operational performance is not interrupted. We utilized the PACE methodology which stands for Primary, Alternate, Contingency, and Emergency approaches.
This approach requires our team to develop the four best forms of delivery and designates the order in which we will employ them if issues arise. Ideally each method will be developed as a completely independent operational plan. This approach allows for prior coordination and resourcing reducing confusion and potential vulnerabilities if operational adjustment must be made.

The GK9PG team is dedicated to mitigating the risk of explosive threats by developing customized security solutions. By mastering the art and science of canine detection our K9 Professionals are delivering this dynamic bio-sensory technology in over 28 cities within the United States. We are focused on the deployment of robust and comprehensive technologies to meet the ever-changing security landscape. By embracing digital transformation and infusing lessons learned, we are able to deliver the highest quality K9 services in the industry.